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Healthy Living

9 reasons your dental hygienist is an important part of your care team

This provider is one of the keys to good oral health, along with your dentist.

6 tools you can use to ward off seasonal allergies

If you’re dealing with watery eyes, a cough and the sniffles, try these tips for beating allergy season at its own game.

Healthy for life: Cold and flu season

Respiratory illnesses ramp up in winter. Here’s your guide to protecting yourself from seasonal bugs and strengthening your immune system.

Health for life: Healthy foods

Eating certain foods could reduce your risk of many diseases and may help you live longer. Here’s a closer look at the foods you’ll want to add to your diet.

Healthy for life: Boosting longevity

So you want to live longer? Hint: It has a lot to do with what you eat and how you move. Find out ways to live a longer, healthier life now.

Healthy for life: Outdoor adventure safety

Outdoor activities can boost your mood and health. But preparing for them correctly can keep you safe. Here’s what you need to know.

Healthy for life: Water safety

Accidents can happen when you’re in the water. Learn the basics of water safety so that you and your loved ones can avoid injury.

Open Enrollment Period (OEP): What it’s all about

If you want to make a change or update your health insurance, OEP is your chance. Here’s what to know about this annual window for enrolling in a plan.

Healthy for life: Cancer prevention

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among adults in America. But there are plenty of ways you can help prevent it. Learn more.

9 delicious disease-fighting foods you should eat every week

Want to prevent chronic conditions before they occur? Treat yourself to powerhouse foods that can help you ward off illness so that your days (and years) are as healthy as possible.

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